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M. Placchi, C. Delcroix, H. Bauduin. Investigation on the metabolism of L-leucine in the rat exocrine pancreas. Radioaktive Isotope. Klinik und Forschung, R. Höfer and H. Bergmann editors, H. Egermann Verlag, 1978.


G. Vetter, M. Placchi, L. Joubert. Comparative efficacy of etodolac and placebo in rheumatoid arthritis subjects. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology, vol. 20, 240-245, 1982.


A. Lassus, C.L. Gauci, I. Bergelin, M. Placchi, E. Rinne, L. Forstrom. A double-blind comparison of rDNA human interferon alpha-2b and placebo in the treatment of recurrent genital herpes simplex virus infection in adult males. Communication to the XIIIth International Congress of Chemotherapy Vienna, August 28 - September 2, 1983.


K. Dalhoff, H.E. Poulsen, P. Garred, M. Placchi, R.E. Gammans, R.F. Mayol, M. Pfeffer. Buspirone pharmacokinetics in subjects with cirrhosis. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 24, 547-550, 1987.


S. Caccia, G.L. Vigano, G. Mingardi, S. Garattini, R.E. Gammans, M. Placchi, R.F. Mayol, M. Pfeffer. Clinical pharmacokinetics of oral buspirone in subjects with impaired renal function. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, vol. 14, 171-177, 1988.


C. Bohm, M. Placchi, F. Stallone, R.E. Gammans, D.R. Alms, R.C. Shrotriya, D.S. Robinson

A double-blind comparison of buspirone, clobazam, and placebo in subjects with anxiety treated in a general practice setting. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, vol. 10, 38S-42S, 1990.


C. Bohm, D.S. Robinson, R.E. Gammans, R.C. Shrotriya, D.R. Alms, A. Leroy, M. Placchi

Buspirone therapy in anxious elderly patient: a controlled clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, vol. 10, 47S-51S, 1990.


M. Placchi. Practical issues in conducting multinational, multicenter trials managed by contract research organisations. European Psychiatry, vol. 9, 151-153, 1994.


M. Placchi. Can a marker better assess placebo intake? European Psychiatry, vol. 9, 158, 1994.


M. Placchi. General considerations for long-term studies with anxiolytics. European Psychiatry, vol. 11, 144-148, 1996. Abstracted in Psychiatric Digest, February 1997.


M. Placchi. Measuring disability in subjects with anxiety disorders. European Psychiatry, vol. 12 (suppl 3), 249S-253S, 1997.


C. Lefrancois, R Melzack, M. Placchi. Use of the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) in the Improve Study 27178: Linguistic Validation for International Clinical Trials. Poster Presentation to the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Quality of Life


M. Placchi, J. Whiteford. What is a Registry and why is it increasingly important in Drug Development? Merck Serono ClinSight, Development Newsletter, July/August 2008


A. Katsambas, K. Peris, G. Vena, P. Freidman, G. Wozel, E. Dauden, D. Licu, M. Placchi, M. De La Brassinne. Assessing the impact of Efalizumab on Nail, Scalp and Palmoplantar Psoriasis and Quality of Life: Results of a Multicentre, Open-label, Phase IIIb/IV Trial. Arch Drug Info 2009; 2:66-70


Comparison of piroxicam with placebo in the management of pain after total hip replacement. Serpell MG. Thomson MF. (1989). British Journal of Anaesthesia. 63(3):354-6


A double-blind evaluation of topical piroxicam gel with oral ibuprofen in osteoarthritis of the knee. Dickson DJ. Curr Ther Res (1991);49(2):199-207


An open multicentre study of the efficacy and safety of a single dose of fluconazole in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis in general practice. Phillips RJM et al (1990) B J Clin Prac; 44(6): 219-222


The antifungal drug fluconazole: A review of 154 cases of opportunistic fungal infection. Phillips RJM, Morrissey E, Watson SA, Walsh R, Jevons SJ: Drug Dev (1991), 4(1),31-38


A study of the efficacy and safety of fluconazole in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis (FCA-UK-88-005). John J, Phillips RJM. Abstract: MSSVD meeting 17-20 June 1990 and British Journal of Clinical Practice, 1990

Single dose fluconazole in the treatment of Candida albicans balanoposthitis. Kinghorn GR, Woolley PD, (1990) Int J STD & AIDS;1:366-370


Multicentre comparison of one-day oral therapy with fluconazole or itraconazole in vaginal candidiasis. Rees TP, Phillips RJM. (1992), Int J Gynecol Obstet,37,(suppl):33-38


A comparison of doxycycline and minocycline in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Harrison PV. (1988). Clin J Exp Derm;13:242-244


Chlamydia trachomatis in the fallopian tubes of women without laparoscopic evidence of salpingitis. Stacey C et al. (1990) Lancet;960-963


Morris DL. Jones JA. Harrison JD. Andrews GI. Phillips RJ. Slack RC. Randomised study of prophylactic parenteral sulbactam/ampicillin and cephazolin in biliary surgery: significant benefit in jaundiced patients. Journal of Hospital Infection. 13(3):261-6, 1989


Health Economics made easy. Phillips R. (1992) BMA News Review (Oct) 22-23


Making the most of your resources. Phillips R. (1992) BMA News Review (Nov); 24-25


Antibiotic treatment for paediatric streptococcal pharyngitis: model of costs in general practice. Phillips RJM, Stewart A. Poster at FEAT II, Istanbul Nov 1993


Antibiotic treatment for paediatric streptococcal pharyngitis: estimation of costs in general practice. Stewart A, Phillips RJM. British Journal of Medical Economics (1994),7,123-136


An Analysis of the Cost Effectiveness of Different Antifungal Prophylaxis Regimes in Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT). Stewart A et al Pharmacoeconomics (1995)


Wakerly L, Craig AM, Malek M, Hoffmeyer U, Lloyd A, Valette F, et al. Fluconazole versus oral polyenes in the prophylaxis of immunocompromised patients: a cost-minimization analysis. The Journal of hospital infection 1996;33(1):35-48.


McIntosh, E; Clinical Audit "The Cost of Rheumatoid Arthritis", British Journal of Rheumatology, 1996:35:781-790

Forder, J., Kavanagh, S., Fenyo, A., (1996), "A Comparison of the Cost-Effectiveness of Sertraline versus Tricyclic Antidepressants in Primary Care", Journal of Effective Disorders, Vol 38 (1996) pp 97 -111


Cheah SY, Clark C, Goldberg L, Li Wan Po A, Phillips R. Outcome measures pooled index and quality of life instruments in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapy


Holmes J, Pugner K, Phillips R, Dempsey G. Managing Alzheimer's disease: the cost of care per patient. British Journal of Health Care Management (1998), 4;7:332-337


Stewart A, Phillips R, Dempsey G. Pharmacotherapy for people with Alzheimer's disease: a Markov-cycle evaluation of five years' therapy using donepezil. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (1998). 13, 445-453


Phillips R. EBM - a buzzword or something useful? Pharmaceutical Visions (2001), Autumn


Phillips R. Instant Experts: Health Economics Pharmaceutical Marketing (2001)


Goldmeier D, Green J, Malik F, Phillips R. A retrospective review of the management of female sexual dysfunction patients attending St Mary's Hospital. International Journal of Impotence Research advance online publication 12 February 2004; doi:10.1038/sj.ijir.3901179


Role of cholinesterase inhibitors in dementia care: NICE's economic analysis has limitations.

BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 16 Sep 2006, vol. 333, no. 7568, p. 603,


The cost utility of solifenacin in the treatment of overactive bladder. P. Verboom, L. Hakkaart, R. Phillips, M. Al. International Urology and Nephrology (2009) 41, 2, 293-298


Finch G, Bennett J, Placchi M, Phillips R. The Risks and Rewards of Developing Orphan Drugs.

Rare Disease Report, Published Online: Wednesday, Jul 16, 2014


Finch G, Bennett J, Placchi M, Phillips R. Is Orphan Drug Status the Answer to Everyone's Prayers?

White Paper on Drug Development for Rare Diseases, Volt Pharma Associates, June 2014.


Phillips, R., Fruijtier, A. and Placchi, M. "Can Health Technology Assessment Be Used to Demonstrate Significant Benefit for an Orphan Medicinal Product in the EU?" Regulatory Focus. July 2016. Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society


Placchi M, Phillips R. The Benefits and Pitfalls of Repurposing Drugs. Volt Pharma Associates 2018


A Pre-Clinical Efficacy Study Comparing the Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate Obtained by Video Selfie with Those Obtained by Direct Measurement in Healthy People. Poddar P, Phillips R, Surolia R, Alon M. Data on file (https://perfexia-data-room.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/IP%2BTech-documents/PRFX-2020-01-Pre-Clinical-Efficacy-Data-Study.pdf)


Hospitalisation for degenerative cervical myelopathy in England: insights from the National Health Service Hospital Episode Statistics 2012 to 2019. Submitted to Acta Neurochirurgica (2022)


Davies BM, Phillips R et al. Establishing the Socio-Economic Impact of Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy Is Fundamental to Improving Outcomes [AO Spine RECODE-DCM Research Priority Number 8].  Global Spine J 12(1_suppl): 122s-129s. DOI: 10.1177/21925682211039835 (2022)


Thavarajasingam SG, Ponniah HS, Phillips RJM, Neuhoff J, KramerA, Demetriades AK, Ehab S, Ringel F, Davies BM.

Increasing incidence of spondylodiscitis in England: An analysis of the National Health Service (NHS) Hospital Episode Statistics from 2012 to 2021. Submitted to Brain and Spine (2023)


Goacher, E., Yardanov, S., Phillips, R., Budu, A., Dyson, E., Ivanov, M., … Kotter, M. R. N. (2024). Cost-effectiveness of surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Neurosurgery, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1080/02688697.2024.2346566


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